
Like many volunteer organisations, the South East Alpaca Group is run by volunteers from within its membership. You can find out when our next meeting is, and view agendas and minutes on our meetings page.

The current committee, elected in July 2024 is:

  • Chair: Tony Monkcom
  • Vice-Chair: Hilary Monkcom
  • Secretary: Nikki Groom
  • Membership Secretary: Claire Brown
  • Treasurer: Justin Harrison
  • Webmaster: Andrew Brown
  • Welfare Officers: Rebecca Block, Nikki Groom, Tess Homewood, Peta Ives
  • Events Lead: Hilary Monkcom, Paula Winsor

The committee come from all walks of life and professions. All living in the South of England, we share a love for our Camelids and the aim to promote responsible camelid ownership in the South East of England.

Officers are proposed, seconded and elected at the Annual General Meetings in July each year; there have been changes over the years and each person’s contribution has been a building block to bring the Committee and the group to where it is today. We meet officially a number of times a year, but are in regular communication conducting the activities of the group.

Meetings, workshops, financial requirements, newsletters and up-to-date communications all take time and dedication to provide our members with a cohesive group they can be a part of. We also have welfare officers who can provide advice and support. For more information you may be interested in viewing the SEAG constitution.

If you would be interested in volunteering or joining the committee, please do get in touch using our contact form.