- The group shall be known as ‘The South East Alpaca Group” or SEAG.
- In this constitution, ‘The South East Alpaca Group will be referred to as ‘the Group’ or in its shortened form, simply as SEAG.
- The aims of the Group are to:
- 3.1. Promote a collegial approach and mutual support amongst members.
- 3.2. Facilitate the networking, support and social interaction of alpaca breeders and owners within the region and beyond.
- 3.3. Build the capability of those wishing to keep and/or breed alpacas in the South East of England.
- 3.4. Champion the welfare of alpacas and the education of their owners in the South East of England.
- 3.5. Run such shows and events that the committee deem are in the best interests of SEAG and its members.
- The Group shall be affiliated to the British Alpaca Society, as the BAS Regional Group for the South East of England.
- The logo of the Group is the property of The South East Alpaca Group and may only be used with the written permission of the Committee. Permission will only be granted where its use supports the aims of the Group.
- 5.1. The logo may not be changed in any way other than by agreement of the Committee.
- The Group will have a membership.
6.1. Membership of the group is open to anyone that supports the aims of the Group and is aged 18 years old and over. This includes those who are, and those who are not, members of the British Alpaca Society, and those who currently keep alpacas, those with an interest in keeping alpacas and those with a general interest in alpacas.
6.2. There is only one type of membership which is a membership of a herd or household.
6.3. An additional member from the same household/herd is permitted to join the group for no additional charge [up to a maximum of 2 members per household/herd]
- The free additional membership is only valid whilst the primary member remains in good standing, and is a paid up member of the group.
- Additional members have the same rights as primary members, and are able to attend meetings and activities of the Group as equal members.
- Additional members are able to seek election to the Committee.
- Additional members are not able to vote at general members meetings.
- Upon confirmation of membership, each primary member must pay an annual membership fee, which will be set by the Group at the AGM.
- The membership year runs from 1 August to 31 July.
- Annual membership fees must be paid on or before 1 August each year or by the date of the AGM, whichever is sooner.
- Anyone joining the Group during the membership year will be liable to pay a membership fee, based on the following structure:
- 1 August – 31 January – Full Fee
- 1 Feb – 31 May – Half Fee
- 1 June – 31 July – Full Fee, but membership is extended until the August of the following year, effectively giving the member up to 2 months of membership at no charge.
- New BAS members get their first year’s membership free, subject to the following regulations:
- That BAS will continue to pay the membership fees of such members joining the group.
- After a full calendar year has passed from the date of joining the group, new BAS members are liable to pay a membership fee as above to reach the next membership year as above. After this period has passed, new BAS members, should they choose to remain a member of the group, will be in the same membership cycle as all other members.
- It is a condition of membership that all individuals are bound by the provisions of this constitution, any associated rules, including those that may be agreed by the Group at any date, and by any and all rules and Codes of Conduct of the British Alpaca Society.
- All members are expected to promote membership of the Group as appropriate, particularly when selling alpacas to new keepers.
- Members may reference their membership of the Group in any publications or material regarding their own herd, but must not make any public statements on behalf of the Group without prior agreement from the Committee.
- All member details, including personal details, will be held by the Committee in compliance with relevant data protection legislation and regulations.
- Members may resign their membership from the Group at any time. To do this the member must submit a letter confirming their resignation to the Chair. Where a member resigns their membership, no refund of fees will be made.
- Where a member has acted against the rules and/or ethos of the Group or the British Alpaca Society, and/or where the continued membership of the member is not in the best interests of the Group, membership may be withdrawn. The process for this action is detailed in the Dispute Procedure.
Officers and Committee
- The Group shall be managed by a committee of no fewer than four and no more than eleven members, which shall be elected at the group’s Annual General Meeting.
- The Committee shall consist of the following committee members, and must include the Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer positions:
- Chair
- Vice-Chair
- Secretary
- Membership Secretary
- Treasurer
- Webmaster
- Welfare Officer
- Events Lead
- Up to 3 x Committee members without portfolio
- In the event that there are not enough members standing for election, a committee member is able to fulfil more than one committee role.
- To be eligible for election to a post, the candidate must be a member of the Group.
- Officers shall be elected, by way of simple vote, at an Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Group and will hold office for a period of 1 year.
- There is no limit to the number of terms any individual may serve.
- In the case of a Casual Vacancy a replacement can be co-opted by the remaining members of the Committee for the remainder of that term of office.
- Any position may, with the exception of the Chair and Vice Chair, and with the agreement of Members at the AGM, be filled by two members simultaneously.
- In such cases, each individual will be deemed a full voting member of the Committee.
- No more than two positions may be filled in such a way at any time.
- For the purposes of this constitution, positions that are being filled by two members simultaneously, shall only count as one member of the committee in relation to the total membership number of the committee.
- Following the AGM, where it deems it necessary, the Committee may co-opt an Ordinary Member to the Committee, provided the total number of Committee members does not exceed the maximum number stated in this constitution.
- The Committee will direct the activities of the Group, making decisions on behalf of the group as required.
- The Committee will meet at least twice per calendar year.
- Committee meetings can be held in person or virtually, as determined by the Chair.
- Agreement on decisions will be by consensus, where possible. Where there is disagreement, a simple vote will take place.
- In the event of a tied vote, the Chair has one additional casting vote.
- The Chair shall:
- Serve as the primary point of contact for the Group.
- Chair meetings of the Group and the Committee.
- Oversee the smooth operation of the Group.
- Prepare an annual report and present this to the AGM.
- Be responsible for all external and public communications for the Group.
- Represent the Group at National, Regional or local events, or forums as applicable.
- Be a signatory on the bank mandate.
- The Treasurer shall:
- Maintain records of the Group’s financial activity.
- Prepare an annual statement of accounts and present this to the AGM.
- Be a signatory on the bank mandate.
- Verify that new members applying have paid the correct membership fee and notify the Membership Secretary of any such payments.
- Maintain an inventory of all non-cash assets held by the Group.
- Identify and seek to exploit any additional sources of funding for the Group.
- The Secretary shall:
- Take an accurate note of all Committee meetings and make minutes that shall exist of a list of items discussed and the associated actions and agreements taken, and make this information available to the members.
- The Membership Secretary shall:
- Maintain a full and accurate membership roll using the group’s membership solution.
- Verify that new members applying as either new BAS members or additional members meet the criteria for doing so.
- Be a signatory on the bank mandate.
- The Committee reserves the exclusive authority to authorise expenditure up to 75% of the current balance of the Group’s cash assets. The Committee shall not delegate this power to any one member.
- Any Officer may resign at any point by submitting written notice thereof to the Chair. Such resignation shall take effect at the time specified in the notice or, in the absence of a specified time, upon receipt of the notice.
- An Officer will cease to hold their role if they resign or are removed as a member of the Group.
- An Officer may be removed from office by a vote of the Membership. The process for this action is detailed in the Confidence in Officers document. (See Appendix).
- The Committee as a whole may be removed from office by a vote of the Membership. The process for this action is detailed in the Confidence in the Committee document. (See Appendix).
Annual General Meeting
- The Annual General Meeting of the Group will be held annually, usually during the month of July.
- Notice of this meeting will be sent to members not less than 21 calendar days before the meeting is scheduled to take place.
- Any member may request an item to be included in the agenda up to 14 calendar days before the meeting.
- The agenda will be sent to members not less than 7 calendar days before the meeting is scheduled to take place.
- There must be at least 4 members present for there to be quorum.
- At the AGM, the first item of business will be the stepping down of all committee members. This will be immediately followed by the election of Officers and Committee members, beginning with the election of the Group’s Chair.
- Following the stepping down of committee members, The previous Chair shall remain as acting-Chair of the meeting, and for the purpose of order, oversee the election of the new Chair.
- The acting Chair is only entitled to a single vote, the additional casting vote regulation does not apply.
- All members may attend and speak at the AGM of the Group. Any other person may be invited to attend with the agreement of the Chair.
- The Committee will present the annual report and financial statement at the AGM.
- The Membership will agree the annual membership fee for the following membership year at the AGM.
- Agreement on decisions will be by consensus, where possible. Where there is disagreement a simple vote of members, by show of hands, will take place. Where requested by three or more members, the vote will be carried out by secret ballot. Only Members may vote. In an event of a tie, the Chair has the casting vote.
General Meetings
- Where the Committee deems it necessary, a General Meeting of the Group may be called at any time.
- General meetings are meetings where all members may attend and vote.
- Members are entitled to be present during committee meetings, but may not vote.
- A General Meeting must also be called where a written request for such a meeting is received from at least six members.
- Notice of this meeting will be sent to members not less than 21 calendar days before the meeting is scheduled to take place.
- Any member may request an item to be included in the agenda up to 14 calendar days before the meeting.
- The agenda will be sent to members not less than 7 calendar days before the meeting is scheduled to take place.
- There must be at least 4 committee members present, including the Chair, for there to be a quorum.
- All members may attend and speak at the meeting. Any other person with business pertinent to the agenda of the meeting may be invited to attend with the agreement of the Chair.
- Agreement on decisions will be by consensus, where possible. Where there is dissent a simple vote of members, by show of hands, will take place.
- Where requested by three or more members, the vote will be carried out by secret ballot. Only Members and Named Members may vote. In an event of a tie, the Chair has the casting vote.
- The Group shall organise and deliver activities where it deems them to be in furtherance of the stated aims.
- Where the Group organises an event, it shall be the responsibility of the Committee, and any co-opted members, to ensure the full delivery of the event.
- A member of the Group may propose to organise and deliver an activity or event in association with the Group. In this case, the organising party will be the member.
- Any such proposal should be made in writing to the Chair, outlining full details of the activity, demonstrating how the activity will further the aims of SEAG, expectations of SEAG involvement and support, and setting out the benefits of the activity for SEAG and its members.
- Where approved, the Committee will provide support where appropriate and the Chair will have an overseeing function to ensure the activity is delivered to support the stated aims of the group.
- As a minimum, events delivered in association with SEAG will provide additional benefit to members (eg. reduced fees for participation) and will actively promote SEAG and membership thereof as part of the activity.
- Where an event or activity is run by a member in association with SEAG, all publicity materials relating to this event must reference the association with the Group.
- The Group may, as a whole or through its members, participate in activities or events organised by a third party.
- Where such participation is as a whole, all members will have equal opportunity to participate.
- In all cases, members may use any activities or events to promote their own herds, however this must be distinctly separate from the SEAG branding, which must be in place.
Communication & Publications
- Communications between the Committee and the Membership will be managed by the Chair. This may be delegated to another member of the Committee at any time.
- Any member wishing to circulate information to the Membership should submit such a request to the Chair. Only information relevant to the Group and its stated aims will generally be allowed.
- All official communication will be by email.
- The Group will maintain a public website. This website will be managed by the Committee.
- The Group may publish promotional or information documents as it sees fit. All such publications will remain the property of SEAG.
- Only the Chair has the authority to make public statements to the media on behalf of the Group where he/she is satisfied it reflects the consensus of the Group.
- This authority may be delegated by the Chair to another Officer or member as appropriate.
- Members may make reference to the Group and their membership thereof in any public statements but must not provide any statement on behalf of the Group.
Money and Property
- Money and property of the Group will only be used to further the aims of the Group.
- Accounts of the Group will be maintained by the Treasurer. A statement of accounts will be presented to the AGM each year.
- All cash assets will be held in the Group’s bank account.
- The Committee reserves the exclusive authority to authorise expenditure up to 75% of the current balance of the Group’s cash assets. The Committee shall not delegate this power to any other member. Expenditure in excess of this must be approved by the Membership.
- Committee members cannot receive money from the Group, except to refund reasonable expenses or with the agreement of the Membership by a majority vote at the AGM or other General Meeting.
- An inventory of all non-cash assets of the Group will be maintained by the Treasurer.
Winding Up
- If the Committee considers it necessary to wind up the Group it must notify the British Alpaca Society Trustees of its intention, and call an Extraordinary General Meeting where the Membership will take the decision.
- Notice of the meeting will be sent to members not less than 21 calendar days before the meeting is scheduled to take place, noting the proposal to wind up the Group. At this time a formal notice of the proposal to wind up the Group will also be sent to the British Alpaca Society.
- There must be at least two-thirds of the current members present for there to be quorum.
- All members may attend and speak at the meeting. Any other person with business pertinent to the proposal may be invited to attend with the agreement of the Chair.
- A vote on the proposal, by way of a secret ballot, will take place. To be successful, the proposal must be supported by at least three-quarters of members voting.
- Where the Group is wound up all remaining assets will be disposed of by the Committee. In the first instance, the Committee will dispose of the non-cash assets, as follows:
- Non-Cash Assets:
- Any perpetual cups, trophies or other awards will become the property of the current holder.
- Any other assets of value will be offered for sale to the membership. Each item, as detailed on the register of non-cash assets, will be auctioned to the highest bidder. All monies received will become cash assets.
- Any other assets will be disposed of at the Group’s expense.
- Once all non-cash assets have been disposed of, all debts and liabilities of the Group must be discharged prior to any distribution of remaining funds. Once all debts and liabilities of the Group have been discharged, the Committee will dispose of the remaining cash assets, as follows:
- Cash Assets:
- Where there is sufficient cash, members will be refunded their annual membership fee for the current membership year. Any remaining cash assets will be donated to the British Alpaca Society.
- Where this is insufficient cash for members to receive a full refund of their annual membership fee for the current membership year, the remaining cash will be divided equally between members.
- The Committee will delete the website and any associated social media pages.
- The SEAG logo will become the property of the British Alpaca Society, to be made available to any future regional group formed.
Constitution and Amendments
- The Constitution of the Group may be amended by a vote of the Membership at the Annual General Meeting, on the advice of the Committee or by a duly proposed and seconded motion. To be carried, the motion must achieve a simple majority. In the case of a tie, the Chair will have the casting vote.
- A copy of this Constitution shall be available at all General Meetings of the Society and published on the SEAG website.
- The Constitution Appendices form part of the Constitution and Rules of SEAG, as referenced in the Constitution.
APPENDIX – Dispute Procedure (Membership)
- Members of the Group agree to be bound by the provisions of the constitution, any associated rules that may be agreed by the Group at any date, and by any and all rules and Codes of Conduct of the British Alpaca Society.
- Where a member has acted against the rules and/or ethos of the Group or the British Alpaca Society, and/or where the continued membership of the individual is not in the best interests of the Group, membership may be withdrawn. The process for this action is detailed below.
- Information or complaints received by the Group regarding the alleged misconduct of a member will be considered by the Committee.
- Where the Committee is satisfied the member has acted against the ethos of the Group or the British Alpaca Society and/or where the continued membership of the individual/herd/household is not in the best interests of the Group, the Committee will suspend the membership of the individual/herd/household.
- The Committee will write to the individual to confirm the suspension, detailing the reasons for this, and seek the resignation of that member within ten days of the date of the letter.
- If the individual submits their resignation they will immediately cease to be a member of the Group and will be prohibited from applying for membership for a period of three years.
- If, by the eleventh day following the date of the letter confirming the suspension, the member has not submitted their resignation, the Chair will call an Extraordinary General Meeting within 4 weeks. During this period no new members of the Group will be accepted.
- At this meeting the Committee will propose a motion that membership be withdrawn from the suspended member. The Committee will set out the reasons behind this proposal. The suspended member will have the right to state their case in opposition to this motion. Members present may seek clarification on any matters raised.
- Members present will then vote, by way of a secret ballot, on the motion to withdraw membership.
- The motion must receive the support of a clear majority to be carried. In the event of a tie the motion will be deemed to have been defeated as it did not achieve majority support.
- Where the motion is approved, the individual in question will immediately cease to be a member of the Group and will be prohibited from applying for membership for a period of three years.
- Where the motion is defeated, the suspension of individual in question will immediately be lifted and their membership will be reinstated.
- Where a member resigns their membership, or where membership is withdrawn from a member, no refund of fees will be made.
- Where the individual in question is a member of the Committee, but not the Chair, the same process will apply. In such cases, the Chair will exclude the member from the Committee’s consideration of any complaints or information regarding the alleged misconduct of the individual.
- Where the individual in question is the Chair, the same process will apply. In such cases, the Secretary will exclude the Chair from the Committee’s consideration of any complaints or information regarding the alleged misconduct of the individual.
- Where the membership of a member of the Committee is withdrawn and they cease to be a member of the Group, they will also cease to be a member of the Committee.
APPENDIX – Confidence in Officers
- SEAG is managed by a Committee of Officers. Elected by the membership, these Officers are responsible for ensuring that the Group is managed in such a way as to meet its aims. Each Officer is accountable to the Committee and to the membership as a whole.
- A vote of no confidence in an individual in their position on the Committee may be brought about by a motion proposed and seconded by four members.
- Where the motion of no confidences relates to an Officer other than the Chair:
- A motion, as defined above, must be submitted in writing to the Chair.
- On receipt of such a motion, the Chair will inform the subject of the motion and give that Officer 7 days to consider their position.
- If the Officer resigns their position another member will be co-opted by the Committee, in line with the Constitution, and the motion of no confidence will be rejected.
- If the Officer does not resign their position, the Chair will proceed with the motion of no confidence.
- The Chair will call an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Group within 4 weeks. During this period no new members of the Group will be accepted.
- At this meeting the motion will be formally proposed and seconded by those members who submitted the motion. The subject of the motion will have the right to state their case in opposition to this motion. Members present may seek clarification on any matters raised.
- Members present will then vote, by way of a secret ballot, on the motion of no confidence.
- The motion must receive the support of a clear majority to be carried. In the event of a tie the motion will be deemed to have been defeated as it did not achieve majority support. o Where the motion is approved, the Officer will be removed from his/her post and the vacancy will be filled by way of an election at the same meeting. The removed Officer may not seek election to any committee position for a period of 3 years.
- Where the motion is defeated, the Officer will continue in post for the remainder of their term and no further motion of no confidence can be brought for a period of 1 year.
- Where the motion of no confidence relates to the Chair, the same process as laid out above will be followed, with the functions of the Chair being undertaken by the Secretary.
APPENDIX – Confidence in Committee
- SEAG is managed by a Committee of Officers. Elected by the membership, the Committee is responsible for ensuring that the Group is managed in such a way as to meet its aims and is accountable to the membership as a whole.
- A vote of no confidence in the Committee may be brought about by motion proposed and seconded by four members.
- A motion of no confidence, as defined above, must be submitted in writing to the Chair.
- On receipt of such a motion, the Chair will call a meeting of the Committee within 14 days.
- At this meeting the Committee will consider its position and decide to resign as a whole or to oppose the motion of no confidence.
- If the Committee decides to resign, an Extraordinary General Meeting will be called to elect a new Committee, to complete the current term of office.
- If the Committee decides to oppose the motion of no confidence, the Chair will proceed with the motion of no confidence.
- The Chair will call an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Group within 4 weeks. During this period no new members of the Group will be accepted.
- At this meeting, the first item will be to select a temporary Chair to conduct the meeting. The temporary Chair must not be a current Officer of the Committee or either the proposer or seconder of the motion of no confidence.
- The motion of no confidence will then be formally proposed and seconded by those members who submitted the motion. The Committee, as a whole, has the right to offer a reply to the motion. Members present may then speak on the motion or seek clarification on any issues.
- Members present will then vote, by way of a secret ballot, on the motion of no confidence.
- The motion must receive the support of a clear majority to be carried. In the event of a tie, the motion will be deemed to have been defeated as a majority of support has not been achieved.
- Where the motion is approved, the Committee will be removed and an election held, in the same meeting, to elect a new Committee to complete the current term of office.
- No member of the removed Committee may seek election to any post for a period of 3 years from the date they were removed.
- Where the motion is defeated, the Committee will continue in post for the remainder of their term and no further motion of no confidence can be brought for a period of 1 year.